Class 10 Santusti Kabita Solution – Chapter 2 Note [ PDF ]

Class 10 Nepali Santusti Guide

Short note on Santusti

Santusti is a Nepali term that means being happy from the inside. The
santhusthi Poem is written by the Bharatraj panta. The main theme of the santusti
poem is “ what is the happiness in our life “. Money always does not make a
person happy. People should be happy with what they have. If they try to
compare their life with wealthy people then they will not satisfied in their

This is the short and sweet poem written by Bharatraj panta describing
the fact of the people live who are seeking happiness with money but we should
be happy enjoying every moment of life with what we have.


Complete Note of Santusti Exercise Solution 

What you will find in this Santusthi Solution Guide ?

Santusthi kabita is the new updated Nepali course. Most of the students are in confusion about the subject matter. So, you can find the following topic on this site:

1. Santusti class 10 Nepali Solution
2. Chapter 2 Santusti Guide Book

PDF of Santusti Exercise Guide:

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are requested to take this note as a reference. You can write answer in your own word. You may wonder why we have not added
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