The Institute of Engineering (IOE), Tribhuvan University, Nepal, conducts the Bachelor of Engineering (BE) Entrance Examination every year for admission into various undergraduate engineering programs offered by its constituent and affiliated colleges. The IOE entrance is held in the Pulchowk campus, Lalitpur every year. The IOE entrance exam is one of the tough entrance examinations for bachelor students. As to be an engineer every student should know about the basic of engineering courses. Every year more than 10 thousand students give the entrance exam but only less than half of the students pass the exam and only 624 students will join Pulchowk college. So, to crack the IOE entrance exam you must know the syllabus and its mark distribution. So, here you will get a complete idea about the IOE entrance exam and its syllabus. IOE Entrance Syllabus Subject IOE entrance syllabus includes four subjects which are English, Physics, chemistry, and mathematics. The mark distribu...
IOE NOTES website provides the TU engineering notices and pdf download of semester wise note. IOE notes and pdf download, Ioe result, IOE notice. We also Provide Note for the Class 10 , class 11 and class 12 student.