Engineering Chemistry Note
Engineering chemistry is the basic subject for the engineering student in Nepal. Many student find difficult with this course so here we have included the complete Engineering chemistry Note according to IOE syllabus. You can also download Note by clicking download button below.
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IOE Chemistry Syllabus :
1. Electro-chemistry and Buffer (6 hours)
1.1. Electro-chemical cells
1.2. Electrode Potential and Standard Electrode Potential
1.3. Measurement of Electrode Potential
1.4. Nernst equation
1.5. EMF of Cell
1.6. Application of Electrochemical and Electrolytic cells
1.7. Electrochemical Series and its Application
1.8. Buffer: its type and mechanism
1.9. Henderson’s equation for pH of buffer and related problems
1.10. Corrosion and its type
1.11. Factors influencing corrosion
1.12. Prevention of corrosion
2.Catalyst (4 hours)
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Action of Catalyst (Catalytic Promoters and Catalytic Poisons)
2.3. Characteristics of Catalyst
2.4. Types of Catalyst
2.5. Theories of Catalysis
2.6. Industrial Applications of Catalysts
3.Environmental Chemistry (5 hours)
3.1. Air Pollution
3.2. Air Pollutants i) gases SOx,NOx,CO,CO2,O3 and hydrocarbons ii)particulates dust, smoke and fly ash
3.3. Effects of Air Pollutants on human beings and their possible remedies
3.4. Ozone depletion and its photo chemistry
3.5. Water Pollution (Ref of surface water and pound water)
3.6. Water Pollutants (Ref of surface water) their adverse effect and remedies
3.7. Soil pollution
3.8. Pollutants of soil their adverse effects and possible remedies
4.Engineering Polymers (6 hours)
4.1. Inorganic polymers
4.2. General properties of inorganic polymers
4.3. Polyphosphazines
4.4. Sulpher Based Polymers
4.5. Chalcogenide Glasses
4.6. Silicones
4.7. Organic Polymers
4.8. Types of Organic Polymers
4.9. Preparation and application of i) Polyurethane ii) Polystyrene iii) Polyvinylchloride iv) Teflon v) Nylon 6,6 and vi) Bakelite vii) Epoxy Resin viii) Fiber Reinforced Polymer
4.10. Concept of bio-degradable, non-biodegradable and conducting polymers
5. 3-d Transition elements and their applications (5 hours)
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Electronic Configuration
5.3. Variable oxidation states
5.4. Complex formation tendency
5.5. Color formation
5.6. Magnetic properties
5.7. Alloy formation
5.8. Applications of 3-d transition elements
6.Coordination Complexes (5 hours)
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Terms used in Coordination Complexes
6.3. Werner’s Theory Coordination Complexes
6.4. Sidgwick’s model and Sidgwick’s effective atomic number rule
6.5. Nomenclature of coordination compounds (Neutral type, simple cation and complex anion and complex cation and simple anion type)
6.6. Valence Bond Theory of Complexes
6.7. Application of valence bond theory in the formation of i) Tetrahedral Complexes ii) Square planar Complexes and iii) Octahedral Complexes
6.8. Limitations of Valence Bond Theory
6.9. Applications of Coordination Complexes
7. Explosives (3 hours)
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Types of explosives: Primary, Low and High explosives
7.3. Preparation and application of TNT, TNG, Nitrocellulose and Plastic explosives
8. Lubricants and Paints (2 hours)
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Function of Lubricants
8.3. Classification of Lubricants (Oils, Greases and Solid)
8.4. Paints
8.5. Types of Paint
8.5. Application of Paints
9. Stereochemistry (4 hours)
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Geometrical Isomerism (Cis Trans Isomerism) Z and E concept of Geometrical Isomerism
9.3. Optical Isomerism with reference to two asymmetrical carbon center molecules
9.4. Terms Optical activity, Enantiomers, Diastereomers, Meso structures, Racemic mixture and Resolution.
10. Reaction Mechanism in Organic reactions (4 hours)
10.1. Substitution reaction
10.2. Types of substitution reaction SN1 and SN2
10.3. Elimination reaction
10.4. Types of elimination reaction El and E2
10.5. Factors governing SN1, SN2, El and E2 reaction mechanism path
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