Chapter 9 : Safalta ko katha Class 11 Exercise Question Answer Solution
Safalta ko katha is a Riportjamulak Rachana written by the author of Nepali Book publication. If you are searching for the Chapter 8 Nepali Note of class 11 then you are in the right place. Here you will get complete Note of Safalta ko Katha Exercise.
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Complete Class 11 Nepali Safalta ko Katha Exercise Note :
Safalta ko katha Summary
This reportage is a new literary genre with a successful feature story, focusing on yoga, sadhana, and human health. It compares the natural environment with the peace of mind of man. It has also been said that natural beauty is the beauty of the mind. Natural beauty and a serene environment have a positive effect on the human mind are also presented artistically.
The author has presented the safalta ko Katha of Sundar Chhantyal in the feature story of Reportage. Here is the inspiring context in which Chhantyal, who has reached the peak of mental stress, has achieved success in life through the practice of yoga. Sundar Chhantyal is a character who grew up happily in a middle-class family. Suddenly, many problems have accumulated in the life of Sundar, who is moving his life forward at a very comfortable pace. Life has become miserable due to the sudden death of her father due to a heart attack, her studies have stopped, her mother has cancer, and the burden of debt has increased. Even though the chain of such problems has brought him to the extreme point of stress, with the help of yoga practice he has been able to live a stress-free and successful life.
Man's life is a mixture of happiness and sorrow. Happiness and sorrow are like sun and shadow. When happiness comes in life when sorrow comes. But, you should never get drunk on happiness and panic on sorrow. There is no person in the world who does not have a problem and there is no problem without a solution. Therefore, we should try to solve the problem by fighting, not by losing. It is possible to solve any problem with determination and positive thinking is required for such determination. This is possible through yoga sadhana. The message that the dawn of life can be removed through yoga practice and the arrival of a new dawn is expressed in this lesson.
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