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Showing posts from October, 2022

Class 12 Acoustic Phenomena Notes - NEB Physics Solution

  Hey energetic students. Welcome to the IOE Notes. If you are here searching for the Acoustic Phenomena  complete note  then hold on you are in the right place. Here you will find the Acoustic Phenomena  notes in PDF.  You will get the complete solution of the NEB new curriculum and syllabus.  Let`s get on the wave motion topic discussing the definition of Acoustic Phenomena. Also Check: Nature and Propagation of light Notes Complete Acoustic Phenomena Note PDF  **Scroll the PDF** FAQ`S 1. What is Pressure Amplitude? Ans: The maximum amount through which the pressure in a medium as the sound wave travels through it is called pressure amplitude. 2. Define the Quality of Sound. Ans: Quality of sound is defined as the measure of the complexity of sound. It depends upon the number and intensities of the harmonics present in the sound. 3. Define Pitch. Ans: Pitch is a sensation that depends upon the frequency. Pitch is directly proportional to the frequenc...

Class 12 Wave in Pipes and Strings Notes - NEB Physics Solution

  Hey energetic students. Welcome to the IOE Notes. If you are here searching for the Wave in pipes and strings  complete note  then hold on you are in the right place. Here you will find the Wave in pipes and strings  notes in PDF.  You will get the complete solution of the NEB new curriculum and syllabus.  Let`s get on the wave motion topic discussing the definition of the Wave in pipes and strings. Also Check :  Class 12 Acoustic Phenomena Notes  Complete Wave in pipes and strings Note PDF  **Scroll the PDF** FAQ`S 1. What is Open organ pipe? Ans: The pipe in which both of its ends are open is called open organ pipe. Example: Flutes. 2. What is a closed organ pipe? Ans: The organ pipe in which one end is opened and another is closed is called an organ pipe. Example: Bottle, whistle, etc. 3. What is free vibration? Ans: When a body that is capable of vibrating is slightly disturbed from its equilibrium position and left the body oscillates...

Class 12 Mechanical Waves Note - NEB Physics Solution

  Hey energetic students. Welcome to the IOE Notes. If you are here searching for the Mechanical waves  complete note  then hold on you are in the right place. Here you will find the Mechanical waves  notes in PDF.  You will get the complete solution of the NEB new curriculum and syllabus.  Let`s get on the wave motion topic discussing the definition of the mechanical wave. Also Check: Class 12 waves in pipes and strings Note Complete Mechanical waves Note PDF  **Scroll the PDF** FAQ`S 1. Define Mechanical waves? Ans: A mechanical wave is a wave that is an oscillation of matter, and therefore transfers energy through a medium. or The waves that require a material medium are called mechanical waves. Eg: Water waves, sound waves, earthquake waves. 2. What are the factors affecting the velocity of sound in gas? Ans: The factors affecting the velocity of sound in the gas are: 1)Effect of Temperature 2)Effect of Pressure 3)Effect of Density 4)Effect of Humi...

Class 12 Wave Motion Note - NEB Physics Solution

Hey energetic students. Welcome to the IOE Notes. If you are here searching for the Wave motion  complete note  then hold on you are in the right place. Here you will find the wave motion  notes in PDF.  You will get the complete solution of the NEB new curriculum and syllabus.  Let`s get on the wave motion topic discussing the wave motion definition. Also Check: Class 12 Mechanical waves Notes Complete Wave motion Note PDF  **Scroll the PDF** FAQ`S  1. Define wave motion? Ans: A wave motion is a continuous transfer of distance from one part of a medium to another through successive vibrations of the particles of the medium about their mean positions. 2. What is a mechanical wave?  Ans: The waves which require a material medium for their propagation are called mechanical waves. 3. What is a Transverse wave? Ans: The wave in which the particles of the medium vibrate about their mean position perpendicularly to the direction of propagation of the wa...

Class 12 2nd Law of Thermodynamics - NEB Physics Solution

  Hey energetic students. Welcome to the IOE Notes. If you are here searching for the 2nd  Law of Thermodynamics complete note  then hold on you are in the right place. Here you will find the 2nd  Law of Thermodynamics  notes in PDF.  You will get the complete solution of the NEB new curriculum and syllabus.  Also Check: Class 12 wave motion Notes Complete 2nd Law of Thermodynamics Note PDF  **Scroll the PDF** If you are stuck here and did not find the solution of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Just check out the above PDF and scroll the pdf. You will get the complete notes. Let's discuss some important questions and answers to the 2nd law of thermodynamics. FAQ`S 1. Discuss the second law of thermodynamics? Ans: Second law of thermodynamics states that "All work can be converted to heat but all heat cannot be converted to work". 2. Define the efficiency of the heat engine. Ans: The efficiency of the heat engine is defined as the ratio of external...

Class 12 1st Law of Thermodynamics Notes - NEB Physics Solution

If you are here searching for the  1st Law of Thermodynamics complete note  then hold on you are in the right place. Here you will find the  1st Law of Thermodynamics  notes in PDF.  You will get the complete solution of the NEB new curriculum and syllabus.  Also Check: 2nd Law of Thermodynamics Notes Complete 1st Law of Thermodynamics Note PDF  FAQ`S Define Thermodynamics? The branch of science which we study the heat in motion is called thermodynamics. Define Internal energy? The internal energy of the system is the sum of the internal kinetic energy and internal potential energy of the system. Note: I hope you like the Notes on the 1st Law of Thermodynamics. If you have any unsolved problems related to heat and thermodynamics, you can comment down below. We will respond to your issues as soon as possible.

Class 12 Fluid Statics Notes - NEB Physics Solution

  If you are here searching for the Class 12 Physics Fluid statics complete note then hold on you are in right place. Here you will find the Fluid statics notes in PDF.  You will get the complete solution of the NEB new curriculum and syllabus.  Also Check: 1st Law of Thermodynamics Notes Complete Fluid Statics Note PDF      What is periodic motion? The motion which repeats the same path at a fixed interval of time is called periodic motion. What is a Cohesive force? The force of attraction between the molecules of the same substances is called cohesive force. For example: force between the water molecules. What is adhesive force? The force of attraction between the molecules of two different substances is called adhesive force. For example : force between glass and water molecules. Note: I hope you like the Notes of fluid statics. If you have any unsolved problems related to the mechanics, ...

Class 12 Periodic Motion Notes - Physics Solution

Hey, are you searching for notes of periodic motion then hold on you are in the right place. Here you will get the complete solution of the class 12 physics periodic motion note. You just scroll through the PDF then you will get the complete note. You will get the derivation, numerical, past question solution, and many more tips of periodic motion. Also Check: Class 12 Fluid Statics Notes Class 12 Periodic Motion Complete Solution PDF What is periodic motion? The motion which repeats the same path at a fixed interval of time is called periodic motion. What is Frequency Frequency is defined as the number of complete oscillations in one second. It is denoted by f. Note: I hope you like the Notes of Periodic motion note. If you have any unsolved problems related to the mechanics, you can comment down below. We will respond to your issues as soon as possible.