Hey energetic students. Welcome to the IOE Notes. If you are here searching for the Mechanical waves complete note then hold on you are in the right place. Here you will find the Mechanical waves notes in PDF.
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Let`s get on the wave motion topic discussing the definition of the mechanical wave.
Also Check: Class 12 waves in pipes and strings Note
Complete Mechanical waves Note PDF
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1. Define Mechanical waves?
Ans: A mechanical wave is a wave that is an oscillation of matter, and therefore transfers energy through a medium. or The waves that require a material medium are called mechanical waves.
Eg: Water waves, sound waves, earthquake waves.
2. What are the factors affecting the velocity of sound in gas?
Ans: The factors affecting the velocity of sound in the gas are:
1)Effect of Temperature
2)Effect of Pressure
3)Effect of Density
4)Effect of Humidity
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